Sunday, January 27, 2008

bathtub fun

Here are some cute videos of Brody in the bathtub. He loves his bath!

Happy birthday Todd!

Todd's birthday was New Years Eve. We opened presents, had some yummy cake and then went out with Kristy and Todd. Luckily Todd's mom volunteered to Brodysit. Thanks again, by the way!

Brody has discovered climbing!!

He is climbing on anything he can. The first thing he ever climbed on was the fireplace bricks (which was in August). He was standing there with his arms up, as if saying "I'm so big!". Here's a few pictures and a video. You'll see that he's definately mastered climbing!

Christmas 2007

Todd's mom came to visit for Christmas this year. It was nice to have her here since we haven't celebrated Christmas with her in forever! Brody has way too many toys, so all Santa brought him was his own club chair and lots of books.